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The Vegetable and Herb section is one of the fastest growing departments here at the garden centre.


We offer a range of vegetable seeds from Mr Fothergills to suit most requirements.

Herbs provide a great flavour and accompaniment to many dishes and are easy to grow on a windowsill.

We sell a wide range in either a 9cm or 1 litre size pot (Please note the range is much more limited during the winter months). We also have Bay & Olive trees in various shapes and sizes.


Vegetable Seedlings are sold in the spring and autumn months, with the range varying from Beans & Peas through to quick maturing salad crops like Radish & Spring Onions. Spring is also the season to start growing crops like Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Pepper - all these are available as young plants ready for planting into grow bags or large patio pots.

We also stock a range of fertilisers to boost your crops. Choose from large bags of Farmyard Manure, Pelleted feed like Chicken Manure or traditional liquid feeds like Tomorite and Seaweed Extract. If you need to give your crops some protection, view our range of cold frames, mini greenhouses and netting to keep the birds off your crops!

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